July 26, 2009
The Eleventh Hour
Aside from being the title of an awesome children's book (which may or may not still reside on my shelves), this phrase adequately sums up my situation here. I've got slightly under 72 hours to polish and document my Graphics project, touch up an essay on Church's solution to the Entscheidungsproblem of Hilbert's Program, and - of course! - push the trains struggle as far as possible.
(Yes, I know you can see the edges of the skybox in the above image. I probably won't have time to change that before the Graphics demo.)
On the real-time front, we've had a very fortunate breakthrough; the sensor polling bug fell before a quick debugging sprint yesterday morning. We're driving hard to get route-finding working tonight, as this will leave us all of Tuesday (as mentioned, I have other things to worry about tomorrow!) to put together our final demo. Given the time constraints, we'll likely have to go with something almost braindead-simple; the plan currently being floated around is to hack together a cat-and-mouse game using the trains.
But enough about schoolwork! I'm off to Germany on the 30th. Let's hope I manage to drag my bedraggled body to Pearson in time!
Final note: this blog has been very one-dimensional over the last month. Given my situation, this is perhaps understandable; nevertheless, I shiver with antici-
Delay(60); // pause for 3s (one tick == 50 ms)
-pation at the prospect of having something other than Graphics or Real-Time to talk about.
month of death,
July 23, 2009
Ore for Wood
5 days to go - I've missed a few here. Graphics is going reasonably well; the past day or so has seen the addition of skyboxes, proper terrain clamping, texture blending on the terrain (albeit a hacked-together software version), smooth normals, water reflection, and a few test scenes to my project. Above: a test scene that shows the use of the skybox (rendered in garish colours for maximum obviousness!), one tree (with eight levels of branching), and a few randomly positioned rocks (two levels of subdivision each).
Real-Time, on the other hand, is coming to an inauspicious close. Our program suffers from a showstopper bug: sensor polling freezes. We managed to hack around this to complete most of the first train control objective, but the second control objective will remain elusive until this is resolved. The PsychOS team is running out of time rapidly, but we still have a few more tricks up our sleeves:
- We can redesign sensor polling. The current plan is to extend the kernel's event-handling structures to support software events as well; this way, the SensorManager() can trigger EVENT_NEW_SENSOR (or something like that) whenever a new sensor comes along.
- We can attempt adding a chain of couriers (or similar data-passing tasks) to the train input server. If the problem lies in dropped bytes, this might resolve the issue.
- Failing all else, we can add some NOPs (or the C equivalent: a busy-wait for loop - our TA actually did this when he took the course.) The mere thought of adding such a blatant hack induces violent fits of cringing, but we'll do it if we need to.
Personal notes: it is now quite obvious that the month is drawing to a close. This has been a bizarre ride of ups and downs, of hope and despair, of sleeplessness and take-out meals and 16-hour debugging sprints. I'm feeling strangely calm as I enter the final stretch, in stark contrast to the near-complete-breakdowns that some of those Real-Time sprints drove me to. Not even the possibility of missing the final Real-Time demo fazes me; regardless of what happens with the project, I've learned an incredible amount about hardware, low-level programming, and operating system design - and it's all practical knowledge, especially given that we've been working with the ARM architecture.
If I had to pinpoint the source of our problems, I'd put it down to hubris. The early assignments were relatively easy, the test programs rather trivial; we simply wrote the required code and then went off to take care of our other assignments, working on the assumption that everything would continue to go well. This is never good practice, not even in the classroom. We implemented proper error-checking about three weeks ago, something we should have done three months ago. We should have rigorously tested our kernel, bombarding it with interrupts and I/O and requests and everything else that could possibly bring it to its knees; we did some of that, but it was too little and far too late.
Despite the above tirade - which looks suspiciously like a pre-emptive post-mortem - I should add that I refuse to give up. Once I get Graphics out of the way, we'll dig our heels in this weekend to try anything and everything that might work. Keep posted!
month of death,
July 18, 2009
10 days to go. After plowing through the first few sections of Prusinkiewicz and Lindenmayer's The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, I hacked together a quick tree renderer. The above image was generated by randomizing the parameters in Figure 2.8, with slightly higher branching angles to fake downward tropism. (Yeah, I know that's not how it's really done - but it's dead simple.)
At this point, I need to start trying to mash things together. I could spend several days tweaking my texture, terrain, rock, and plant generators to near-perfection, but I just don't have the time - especially when I've also got to slap in texture mapping, a skybox background, a simple water plane with stencil buffer reflection, interaction (I've got the keyboard working, but I haven't implemented mouselook yet), terrain clamping, and collision detection.
month of death,
tree generation
July 17, 2009
Phoenix Down
11 days to go. No picture this time, but I don't need one: we fixed the kernel, thus reviving ourselves just in time for the final sprint. Depending on how the next couple of days go, we may even be able to make the Train Control 2 deadline on Monday. This milestone - the last before the final project - requires groups to track the motion of two trains while preventing collisions.
Graphics front? Nothing for today. I'll be putting in a sprint tomorrow, which will hopefully furnish me with more flashy images to post here on qx5. I'm treating myself to a break this evening; given that I've been putting in 10-14 hour workdays every day including weekends this fortnight prior, such a well-needed pause could prove instrumental in averting catastrophic burnout.
(For the more observant reader: yes, the days-to-go counts over the last three posts have been inconsistent. This one is correct; I'm counting down to the Graphics project deadline. I'd wish myself good luck, but dtam says luck is for chumps...so I'll wish myself good skill instead.)
Well, I'm off to go eat pizza and watch Bill Nye with our friendly neighbourhood CSC. Keep posted!
Graphics front? Nothing for today. I'll be putting in a sprint tomorrow, which will hopefully furnish me with more flashy images to post here on qx5. I'm treating myself to a break this evening; given that I've been putting in 10-14 hour workdays every day including weekends this fortnight prior, such a well-needed pause could prove instrumental in averting catastrophic burnout.
(For the more observant reader: yes, the days-to-go counts over the last three posts have been inconsistent. This one is correct; I'm counting down to the Graphics project deadline. I'd wish myself good luck, but dtam says luck is for chumps...so I'll wish myself good skill instead.)
Well, I'm off to go eat pizza and watch Bill Nye with our friendly neighbourhood CSC. Keep posted!
bill nye,
month of death,
July 15, 2009
13 days to go (I missed one in my daily reporting - blasphemous!) Above: a quick mockup of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces on a cube. As you can see, the face normals are still slightly off; nevertheless, the general technique appears to be mostly working (although, as promised, the quads produced are predominantly non-coplanar.)
Why would I bother doing this? Simple - I'm going to make rocks! I'll start with a "random" cube formed by taking a point from each octant. Toss in a couple of Catmull-Clark iterations, perturb the face and edge vertices, and hopefully the end result will be vaguely boulder-esque. I'm also planning to implement stochastic OL-systems for trees and plants. (Trust me: although these sound impressive, they're actually quite easy to piece together.)
On the Real-Time front: we've finally discarded enough hubris to implement proper fail-fast error checking. We now panic on every buffer overflow and system call error with a very informative message detailing as much of the system state as possible. This approach - something that we should have implemented long ago! - has already located several serious issues. For each one we fix, two more pop up; nevertheless, not all hope is lost. If we can excise enough of these pesky critters by, say, four days before the project deadline, I still think we can cobble together a working demo.
Personal front: I've been aiming for a renewed adherence to my previous plan of proper sleep, decent nutrition, and exercise over the past three days. The result? My stress levels have plummeted, my mood has improved measurably, and I once more regard my projects as fascinating challenges rather than onerous obstacles.
month of death,
July 12, 2009
Rude Interruptions
16 days to go. The increased I/O demands of sensor polling and interface updating have uncovered a heretofore hidden weakness in our Real-Time kernel - our UART communication routines are most definitely dropping characters. Fortunately, this sort of thing is comparatively easier to tackle than the obscure context switching snafus that dogged us earlier; I've already made some progress in re-enabling the FIFOs on UART1, which is used for communication with the train controller. I'm going through a quick I/O optimization sprint this morning (and early afternoon!) with the aim of improving this part to the point where we can reliably gather timing data from the track.
Personal notes: I currently have no life. I'm spending upwards of 10 hours a day either actively programming or thinking about programming, and my buttocks have become a quasi-permanent fixture in the Real-Time lab. I did manage to pop out briefly for a couple of pints on Friday, but only after putting in a solid day plus overtime. I've got a few forms that need to be filled out, a couple of unpaid parking tickets, an encroaching tide of facial hair, and piles of unwashed dishes in both kitchen sinks (though, to my credit, I am wearing freshly washed clothes.) And you know what? The experience is actually kind of fun, in a more-than-masochistic brain-grinding teeth-clenching sort of way. I'll be able to look back on this as the most intense month of undergrad CS at Waterloo. (I note wryly that Real-Time is listed on birdcourses.com - "earning credits for playing around with trains, how easy is that!?")
So far, Real-Time is proving to be decidedly more involved than Graphics; the former provides much more potential for those delicious WTF moments that all hackers learn to simultaneously cherish and loathe. I still remember the first Real-Time assignment with an odd mixture of nostalgia and vomitous aversion. The busy-wait I/O libraries provided by the prof to help us down our well-intentioned path contained a fatal flaw: the baud rate divisors for UART1 were taken from the previous Intel architecture, and were therefore quite wrong. That was the first of many potent WTF moments - if you can't trust the provided starter code, what can you trust?
Anyways, I should probably get back to work. Keep posted!
Personal notes: I currently have no life. I'm spending upwards of 10 hours a day either actively programming or thinking about programming, and my buttocks have become a quasi-permanent fixture in the Real-Time lab. I did manage to pop out briefly for a couple of pints on Friday, but only after putting in a solid day plus overtime. I've got a few forms that need to be filled out, a couple of unpaid parking tickets, an encroaching tide of facial hair, and piles of unwashed dishes in both kitchen sinks (though, to my credit, I am wearing freshly washed clothes.) And you know what? The experience is actually kind of fun, in a more-than-masochistic brain-grinding teeth-clenching sort of way. I'll be able to look back on this as the most intense month of undergrad CS at Waterloo. (I note wryly that Real-Time is listed on birdcourses.com - "earning credits for playing around with trains, how easy is that!?")
So far, Real-Time is proving to be decidedly more involved than Graphics; the former provides much more potential for those delicious WTF moments that all hackers learn to simultaneously cherish and loathe. I still remember the first Real-Time assignment with an odd mixture of nostalgia and vomitous aversion. The busy-wait I/O libraries provided by the prof to help us down our well-intentioned path contained a fatal flaw: the baud rate divisors for UART1 were taken from the previous Intel architecture, and were therefore quite wrong. That was the first of many potent WTF moments - if you can't trust the provided starter code, what can you trust?
Anyways, I should probably get back to work. Keep posted!
social life,
July 11, 2009
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Terrain Patch
Now in colour! With semi-decent lighting! The random white patches are triangles pointed directly at the sun (or directional light, whichever you prefer); for this test render, I'm only calculating face normals and calling glNormal3d() once before each triangle. One way to get vertex normals is to average over the neighbouring face normals.
procedural generation,
Topographically Speaking
17 days to go. As promised, I've hacked together heightmap functionality; this one is based off the diamond-square algorithm. Next up: lighting, texturing, keyboard and mouse interaction, and some kind of sky (I'll probably go with skybox for that one.) Real-Time is coming along, albeit not as quickly as I had hoped. We're now working out an issue with the sensor modules; either the modules don't always send the right number of bytes, or we're dropping bytes somewhere in our serial drivers. Either way, we've got to figure this out and reliably track the movements of a single train to within a few centimetres by Monday.
month of death,
July 8, 2009
Voronoi the Paranoid Android
Above: a cellular-based texture, Worley-style. Still implementing cool textures for my procedural content generation project; so far, I've got a couple of noise basis functions along with a framework for combining them into more complex textures. Next up: terrain generation. This will involve a few steps:
- Generate a heightmap. For a first pass rendering, midpoint displacement is dead easy to implement. Since heightmaps are textures, I can even slap this into my texture framework as another basis function (albeit one with a relatively heavy initialization time (although the midpoint values could be generated on demand!))
- Set up the OpenGL window. We've been using gtkmm for previous assignments; I see no reason to break that trend, as I can save time by slapping our old window setup code into the project.
- Issue OpenGL commands to render the heightmap. In its most basic form, this is just a series of GL_QUADS. If I was going after static rendering, I'd probably put the whole thing into a display list and use GL_QUAD_STRIPS instead; however, this will be interactive, so I'll need to do something smarter than shoving the whole terrain patch into a display list.
worley noise
15 Minutes of Fame
20 days to go, and it is with the utmost pride that I post the above image. What is it? Look closely in the upper-left corner and you'll see what looks like a timer reading just over 15 minutes.
That's right - yesterday around 9:30 pm, after four days of debugging, we posted this commit to the SVN repo. While we fixed several other glaring issues with our context switch during this marathon of frustration, this was the one to finally extirpate a nasty Heisenbug that all but stopped development on our Real-Time project. The above image is proof that, with this bug removed, our system can now run for 15 minutes without crashing - the same 15 minutes that will be required of us during our final project demonstrations. More importantly, this allows us to continue on with more interesting aspects - like figuring out how to reliably track the location of a train in the face of highly fallible hardware and malicious switch-flipping sensor-triggering TAs.
For me, this renews the confidence that I had called into question not four days ago. It's hard to stress the importance of this enough when you're up against a formidable challenge - and the combination of Graphics and Real-Time is most certainly that.
month of death,
July 6, 2009
22 days to go, and I'm putting the finishing touches on my raytracer. Above: my sample image, which features implicit surfaces and adaptive anti-aliasing. (Technical details? Bounded Newton-Raphson iterations, gradients for normal vectors. Simple. I'm told regula-falsi is preferred; if I had another day, I'd pop that in there. As for the adaptive anti-aliasing, I'm applying a Sobel operator to the luminance values from the first pass and randomly supersampling pixels above a certain threshold.) Unfortunately, the images seem to suffer from a good deal of noise; in raytracing, this is a sign of numerical instability. If I was pursuing a raytracer-based final project, I would investigate further and fix it, probably along these lines of attack:
- The problem worsens with distance from the camera. This might be fixed by applying a projective transformation, but that would FUBAR angles for shadows and reflection.
- Some of the mesh models have wonky normals; it might be worth the time to recalculate them to the outside.
- I could probably eliminate a few spurious divisions and normalizations.
July 5, 2009
23 days to go. After reflecting upon the virtues of getting proper amounts of sleep and not eating takeout Chinese or Pita Factory twice a day, I've decided that my approach to this month has to change. From now on, I'll be experimenting with a strict 11-7 sleep schedule. I've also stocked up on snacks of the apples-and-carrots variety, and I took some time aside last night to concoct container-loads of pasta e fagioli and salad. I'll also try to set some time aside in my daily breaks for exercise.
The hypothesis is that, if applied correctly, this will increase my general alertness and productivity. As a side effect, it will likely contribute to a more psychologically-balanced state. This seems obvious; I'd wager, however, that most students faced with crushing workloads panic and go the graveyard-shift route, a path which I had been following up until last night.
So - 23 days to go, and may each be better than the last!
The hypothesis is that, if applied correctly, this will increase my general alertness and productivity. As a side effect, it will likely contribute to a more psychologically-balanced state. This seems obvious; I'd wager, however, that most students faced with crushing workloads panic and go the graveyard-shift route, a path which I had been following up until last night.
So - 23 days to go, and may each be better than the last!
month of death,
July 4, 2009
Score and Four To Go
That's right - 24 days left. Current status:
Raytracer's almost finished. I just have to put a flag in to render bounding boxes, speed things up a little, and render a custom scene (unlike the one at top, which was provided by the TAs as a test.) I'll also put a bit more effort into stamping out numerical instability - especially for ray-polygon intersection - and I'll perform random supersampling to smooth things out a bit. Once I get that done, I can finally get back to my end-of-term project!
We've hit a snag in Real-Time land. System call parameters occasionally get corrupted, and it's somehow related to timer interrupts. (For full details, see here.) So far, the bug has proven itself to be highly resistant to our debugging efforts. Not all is lost, however; I'm planning to branch the repo, pare down the system to only those parts necessary to reproduce it, and tweak around until this thing is fixed. While it might cost us some short-term assignment marks, we still have time to rewrite the thing from scratch - and I'm fully prepared to do so in the absence of effective alternatives. (It's worth noting that at least one other group has followed this precipitous path!)
On a more personal note, this is the most demanding sustained workload I've ever faced. Until this month is over, weekends and holidays mean nothing to me. I'm holding up so far; the Real-Time bug brought me close to the breaking point, but I've since regained my self-confidence. The bottom line is this: I enjoy what I do. I like the challenge of it, the reward of writing something abstract to get a very concrete result. If I didn't, I would have ditched CS long ago for less silicon-encrusted pastures. If I have to remind myself of that when I'm chugging away another 10-hour stint in the Trains Lab, so be it. I'll make it through these 24 days one way or another - Evan will prevail!
That said, I'm always open to receiving words of encouragement, advice, or anything else positive.
month of death,
time management,
July 2, 2009
Once More Unto the Breach, Dear Trains, Once More
26 days to go. It's approaching 10:30 pm (despite what the timestamp says!) and I'm currently tackling the last known problem in our kernel: interrupt-based terminal I/O. 12 hours to go before the due date - wish me luck!
month of death,
July 1, 2009
T -27 days
One day in. I'm ahead of schedule so far - the next Theory of Computation assignment only took 2.5 hours instead of the 5 I had allotted. Today: History of Math and Real-Time sprints, with a dash of raytracing if time permits. If everything proceeds in similar fashion, I might actually be able to pull this off without all-nighters...
month of death,
time management
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