February 3, 2009

Monkeying Around

I finally got in touch with PKCC, Ottawa's local parkour community. One of their members is trying to get a weekly group conditioning session going, which is definitely A Good Thing; the harsh and prolonged Ottawa winter puts a damper on most regular outdoor activity, save perhaps for the occasional bit of vigorous snow-trudging.

On my goals list for this term: do 5 muscle-ups in a row. My training has been less than dedicated over the last couple of years, and this seems like a good benchmark to start with.

That said, I'm slightly disappointed to find that PKCC is nowhere near as active or cohesive as the group in Toronto. I'm hoping that the Ottawa scene will pick up again once this frigid pallor lifts. Until then, I've got some serious conditioning to do.


  1. Roughly speaking, it's a continuation of a pull-up where you push your entire upper body above the bar. I've linked a video in the post ;)
